A Foundation Dedicated to Helping Heroes With Special Needs

Our nonprofit supports families with special needs children.

The dream of Bryton The World Foundation started with Lee Eddy, Bryton's father. In its beginnings BTW focused on financial support for Bryton's medical expenses and need for a home tailored to her specific needs.

With each generous gift, it became clear to Bryton's family that her loving and kind nature would best be served through lifting up other families living with CP.

Donations to our foundation help families with special needs children.

Donations are used in relieving the financial stresses related to living with CP:

  • Medical Bills 
  • Equipment 
  • Medical Supplies 
  • Dwelling improvements/cost
  • Caregiver Support 
  • Operation Expenses 

Living with Cerebral Palsy, Bryton is the inspiration behind Bryton The World Foundation.

Our Mission

Benefactors include any person living with Cerebral Palsy related, by birth, to a graduate of Glenbard West High School, Hadley Junior High or Forest Glen Elementary (all Glen Ellyn, Illinois).

Donate Today!

One Step Up and Two Steps Back

Having a child with disabilities adds limitations to families in more aspects than what you would think. There are many hurdles that go unnoticed for people with special needs children. One of the biggest is the feeling of isolation. This is an obstacle that all people with special needs feel along with their families. They could be in a support group and around company who can relate but getting through the day-in and day-out of the everyday life is completely different. No matter how connected you are, it comes down to the immediate family unit, who is there and dealing with it. Life can become doing the same thing over and over, yet still drastically different every day. It’s plain and simple, be there for your special needs children. But it’s not necessarily that simple because you have to manage everyday life along with scheduling so much time for and with your children. 

"One step up and two steps back" is how families with special needs children have learned to live their lives. It’s something that these families’ have had to live with and will continue to live with forever. Within these families’ households, it has become the norm to expect the bad after the good has come. There will be seasons that come where the child is doing so well and next thing they know, a new health risk has shown up. As our special needs children grow, there are always more complications. We have learned not to say "things couldn't get any worse" because they absolutely could. 

This fight is something we have to be willing to push through because it's on a daily basis that we get one step up and then we get knocked down by two more things. One of the hardest parts is at the end of the day, when we still need to have enough strength to set other things aside to be able to do what is necessary and take care of our children by loving and supporting them.

Interested in volunteering?  

Do you have questions about Bryton The World?

Do you know someone that could benefit from the foundation?

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